The Interview Process
One of the most daunting yet exciting components of the medical application process is the medical interview. Whether you are sitting a face-to-face panel interview, MMI circuit (multiple-mini interview) or a virtual interview online, the medical interview is one of the final hurdles to cross before securing your place at medical school.
The mighty task ahead of you may seem challenging and frightening, but here at Medic Launch we have devised a number of excellent resources to ensure you feel confident and well equipped before you open your mouth and let your words flow.
Check out our free online expert guidance, our internationally renowned medical interview courses and our video content for more direction. We even have an individualised service where you can book in for mock 1-1 practice sessions with our interview experts.
Multiple-Mini Interviews (MMI)
MMIs consist of a number of different stations. The interviewee will spend an allocated time at each station and will be asked to rotate to a different station once the times up, usually ten minutes per station. Each station will test a variety of difference skills or experiences that you have gained or even give you a mini task or challenge that you have to complete like taking part in a role play situation or task to test your problem solving abilities.
Traditional Panel Interviews
Panel interviews will usually consist of you being interviewed by two or three people. This could be members of the faculty or clinical professionals or any other individual linked to the university. Each panel could last 20—40 minutes and they can ask you a variety of questions. Some universities may even require you to do two panel interviews
Interviews at Oxbridge can be slightly different. Their interviews often mimic tutorials or supervision sessions that students studying at Oxbridge have on a weekly basis. These play a key role at Oxbridge and therefore it is crucial for the interviewers to know that you can cope well in these scenarios. It may start with a few ice-breaker questions before you are plunged in the deep end with some problem solving scenarios to tackle. The main aim here is assess your thought process and the way you communicate your rationale when adapting and solving problems
Remember your medical interview is an opportunity to show your university that you are the right candidate for the course by elaborating on your experiences and skills that you have spent years to develop. This is one of the key opportunities you have to sell yourself, so you want to make it count.
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Assisted Dying
Medical Ethics
The four medical ethics pillars are:
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How We Can Help You
Though interviews are often said to be the hardest part of the application, preparing correctly can help calm those nerves and hopefully grant you an offer at university. At Medic Launch we believe that preparing for interviews is an ongoing process and your preparation should commence as early as possible once you have sent your medical application.